Electronex 2024

Electronex 2024 Banner
Friday 3rd May 2024

Electronex 2024 – Celebrating Australian Electronics Manufacturing This year in Sydney we are again celebrating Australian Electronics Manufacturing at Electronex 2024. We are exhibiting at stand B22 and I will be giving 2 of the free seminars covering: Selecting A … Continue reading

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Product Development Case Study

Market Launch at ISCT 2019
Friday 7th August 2020

Startup strategy This is a classic startup tale where a small team do incredibly good work to get an idea into a demonstrable form and then build a team who can complete the package.   A Melbourne based business came … Continue reading

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Definium Technologies

Mike Cruse, Definium Technologies
Wednesday 11th September 2019

Definium Technologies This post is a shout out to Mike Cruse and the team at Definium Technologies, the latest addition to the Australian Electronics Manufacturing revolution sweeping the country. Based in Launceston, Tasmania, Definium Technologies, have recently been awarded contracts … Continue reading

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Intellectual Property Policy

Thursday 16th November 2017

Intellectual Property Intellectual Property, or IP as it is abbreviated, is a very important topic. So what is Intellectual Property?   The diagram above shows some examples. Here are some more examples of Intellectual Property that specifically apply to the … Continue reading

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Electronics Design: Prototype

Tuesday 10th October 2017

What is a Prototype? A Prototype is done in order to explore some aspect of a new opportunity without having to fully commit to it yet. Prototype has a number of potential meanings including:   the original or model on which … Continue reading

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