Electronex 2024

Electronex 2024 Banner
Friday 3rd May 2024

Electronex 2024 – Celebrating Australian Electronics Manufacturing This year in Sydney we are again celebrating Australian Electronics Manufacturing at Electronex 2024. We are exhibiting at stand B22 and I will be giving 2 of the free seminars covering: Selecting A … Continue reading

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Electronics Design: Prototype

Tuesday 10th October 2017

What is a Prototype? A Prototype is done in order to explore some aspect of a new opportunity without having to fully commit to it yet. Prototype has a number of potential meanings including:   the original or model on which … Continue reading

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Voltera PCB prototyping

Friday 22nd September 2017

Voltera V-One The Voltera V-One is a PCB Prototyping system from voltera.io. And we just got one having put in a pre-order in April 2017. So we made the default “Hello World”project to make sure it works. And it did. Now the … Continue reading

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