Climate Strike
You will probably have heard that students have been holding Global Climate Strike protests because they are concerned about the future of the world, a world they will be responsible for one day, and don’t believe the current leaders are taking the threat of Climate Change and Global Warming seriously.
This is a risk to every area of human activity and the Plan B approach of moving to Mars is not a viable option any time soon. So looking after the planet we already have should be the primary approach to take.

So when I heard that the campaign had extended to business I decided we would get involved. So this coming Friday 20th September 2019 Successful Endeavours will be getting involved. Below is the letter I sent to our staff and our key industry and government contacts.
Climate Strike Open Letter
Yes you can make a difference
you are receiving this because we are currently either doing a project for you, you are a core supplier to our business, we are part of a collective of some kind or you are within our sphere of influence and I thought you would be interested to know about this.
You will be aware that the earth is a precious resource without a replacement and so ignoring evidence that we need to be treating it much better for the sake of everyone, including those not born yet, is not a responsible attitude. So that needs to change.
Successful Endeavours will only work on projects that we believe are making the world a better place. When we became aware that the Schools Strike for Climate initiative had broadened to encompass businesses as a Climate Strike we hopped on board. So on Friday 20th of September we will be supporting the Climate Strike.
Step 1 is that we will not make any appointments with suppliers or clients for that day.
Step 2 is to look at whether we can support a local event in Casey
Step 3 is to send some people to the event in the Melbourne CBD if we can’t get a local event going
Regardless of how far we can take this, I wanted you to know That we are doing this and why.
I will also be posting an update via our blog at https://blog.successful.com.au/ so if you want to see that then please sign up there. Either way I won’t be sending out another mass email.
Ray Keefe
Managing Director
Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd
Climate Strike Next Steps
It looks like there will be some local activity we can do in the City of Casey to coincide with the Melbourne event so we will be also getting involved in that. And if you find you can’t book a meeting with us for this Friday, then you will now know why.
I’m fond of our planet and I would like my grandchildren and great grandchildren to be able to also enjoy it at least as much as I have been able to. Together we can take steps to help make that possible.
Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In Australia. Ray Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 30 years.
You can also follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.
This post is Copyright © 2021 Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd.