Electronics Design Audits

Electronics Design Audits

As well as designing electronics products so they can be Made in Australia, Successful Endeavours also gets called on to make sure an already designed and manufactured product is done to the correct Safety and Compliance standards for Australia.

When doing a design audit, we apply the same rigorous design checklists we use internally when doing our own design reviews.

When doing a manufactured product audit we do a ‘tear down’ inspection to assess the quality of the design and build and then perform any core tests that are required for demonstrating compliance with Australian Standards (or the targetted country for export).

K2 Battery ZION 1500 Power Station

K2 Battery ZION 1500 Power Station

K2 Battery ZION 1500 Power Station

An example of this is K2 Battery who recently asked us to do a product assessment which include a full “tear down” and confirmation of core specification items for compliance with Australian Standards. First of all, we are very pleased to see Australian businesses showing commitment to ensuring their products are of a high professional standard and fully compliant with Australia Standards. Even better when the product passes the tests and shows excellent build quality. You can read the results in more detail on their website at K2 Battery’s Zion1500 Power Station Passes Tests.

K2 Battery

K2 Battery

We appreciate K2 Battery giving us permission to publish this example. They have a range of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO or LFP) batteries and power conversion solutions so please check them out.

If you are looking for confidence in the product you are designing, manufacturing or selling then this is a service we can also support you with. So get in touch if you think this could prove useful.

Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In AustraliaRay Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 40 years.

You can also follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

This post is Copyright © 2025 Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd

AI Ethics

AI Ethics Development

Prescient Science Fiction author,  Isaac Asimov, wrote his 3 laws of Robotics in 1942 as part of a short story “Runaround”. Later they became a core part of the “I Robot” collection of stories. And holding steady to this day. A great example of well thought out logic. The 3 laws are:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

You could rework these for AI. You would end up with something like:

  1. An AI may not injure a human being through misinformation or, through failure to include relevant information, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. An AI must follow instructions given it by human beings except where such instructions would conflict with the First Law.
  3. An AI must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum

And according to a recent article in IEEE Spectrum, “Asimov’s Laws of Robotics Need an Update for AI: Proposing a 4th law of robotics“, we should add:

4. A robot or AI must not deceive a human by impersonating a human being.

Isaac Asimov - Robotics

Isaac Asimov – Robotics

So that covers both Robots and AI. The challenge for me is that we have been using non-AI communication without Ethics for a long time now. Misleading claims and misrepresented products, services and pricing are not a new thing. Let alone politically motivated misinformation. So the real issue is not does AI have ethics, but do we?

There is an old joke in product development: “User error, replace user and try again”!

Ethics is really about us

Technology is not Neutral

Technology is not Neutral

If we made AI ethical based on the above rules, it would have to refuse a lot of instructions. AI is not the only technology that has this dilemma. Stephanie Hare in her book Technology Is Not Neutral: A Short Guide to Technology Ethics raises this problem and shows that the initial design of a technology can position it to be harmful rather than it being entirely down to the end use.

Stephanie Hare

Stephanie Hare

A better world needs better products and services; but it also needs us to be better people.

Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In AustraliaRay Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 40 years.

You can also follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

This post is Copyright © 2025 Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd

2025 is a year of promise

2025 stepping up

The start of a new year might be an arbitrary moment in time but it instills a sense of things moving forward. There are still plenty of problems to solve and opportunities that come from those solutions and we are choosing to look at 2025 through that lens.

So what are the opportunities?

IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum

IEEE Spectrum has provided a list of 9 Intriguing Engineering Feats for 2025 and that is a good place to start. I’ve cherry picked a couple.

Tracking Greenhouse Gas Emissions

MethaneSat is set to make global real time Methane Emissions publicly viewable. This is a big deal because Methane (Ch4) has a much bigger impact on atmospheric warming and is also increasing at a faster rate than Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Plus it is generally recognised that it is highly under reported. So this will help with the last problem and hopefully lead to reductions.

Radioactive Waste Cleanup

Radioactive Waste has been leaking into the soil at locations used for nuclear bomb development sites. So it isn’t just sites bombs were dropped on or where there have been nuclear reactor leaks. A bigger problem than I realised.

It is hoped that cleanup efforts will start to produce real results in 2025.

Energy Storage

This one did not get a mention but it is at the top of my list for 2025. Cleaner energy production and use requires us to get away from polluting energy generation. And while Nuclear Power is a candidate, that it is a long way off and there is a lot of energy expended and industry development to build it in the first place. I’m not worried about waste management because that is a solved problem. We just need a more mature conversation about how that can work.

So looking at the other options, here are the challenges and possible responses that I see.

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage (PHES)

95% of all the energy storage in the world is currently pumped hydro. But those are big projects and if the water has to be potable (drinking quality) then that also makes it more expensive.

Plus Australia is the flattest continent and low on water. Regardless of that Arena has published a survey that identifies 22,000 viable pumped hydro sites in Australia with up to 67,000GWh of energy storage. While the focus seems to be on big project like Snowy 2.0 there is clearly a lot of opportunity for smaller projects. See below for where the sites are. Access the full report at An atlas of pumped hydro energy storage.

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Australia

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage Australia

Gravity Well

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage is a Gravity Well energy storage method. The water is the weight and pumping it up and letting it flow back down are the use of gravity where the height difference allows potential energy (storage) to be converted to electrical energy (generation).

But you don’t have to use water. And there are advantages in not having to maintain assets that stay wet all the time. So while the lack of mountains and height differences in Australia also affects this there are still plenty of options.

The most obvious one is to take all those mine sites that were never rehabilitated by  the mining companies (in contravention of their licenses) and rig them up with generators and hoists and lug weight up when we are storing and let it run down when we are generating. Same as pumped Hydro only dryer. The weight can be anything including the mine tailings that might still be lying about.

Big Battery

Alas, as far as we know it, there is not enough Lithium on the planet to provide all the storage we need. So this category needs to be broader than just Lithium. There is some excellent development in Sodium based batteries and Flow Batteries should also be in consideration.

Then there are liquid metal and molten salt batteries being developed. In practice, we might find ourselves spoiled for choice.


There are lots of options here.

One of our clients, RAYGEN, uses solar mirrors to heat up water then uses the heat later on for generation.


RAYGEN Solar Thermal

There are overseas projects looking at heating up sand for storage.

So I remain optimistic that 2025 will see some important progress toward a more sustainable future.

Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In AustraliaRay Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 40 years.

You can also follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

This post is Copyright © 2025 Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd

Best Australian Designed & Made Electronics Products 2024

Best Australian Designed & Made Electronics Products 2024

We are pleased to announce that APAC Insider has selected Successful Endeavours as the category winner for Best Australian Designed & Made Electronics Products 2024 in the Australia Made Awards 2024.

Successful Endeavours - Australia Made Awards 2024 Winner - APAC Insider

Successful Endeavours – Australia Made Awards 2024 Winner – APAC Insider

This is not our first win in these awards. Previously we have been awarded:

So this year combines both aspects of the Australia Made Award program. Designed in Australia and Made in Australia. 2023 saw us opening our own Electronics Manufacturing Factory in Dandenong South as well as an expanded Electronics Design Office only 150m away.


In case you haven’t seen an Electronics SMT Production Line in action, here is a short video.


There will be a link on the APAC Insider website soon and I’ll update this post once that happens.

Australia Made Awards

Australia Made Awards

Apac Insider

APAC Insider

Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In AustraliaRay Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 40 years.

You can also follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

This post is Copyright © 2024 Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd

Top Programming Languages 2024

Top Programming Languages 2024

Another year and another revue of what programmers are using. This IEEE poll has shown us what The Top Programming Languages 2024 are. Job tip – learn Python!

Top Programming Languages 2024

Top Programming Languages 2024

And the clear winner is Python which is now way ahead of everything else. But there is also a large shift from 2022 when C and C++ were higher placed. See Top Programming Languages 2022. Below is the ranking then and you can see how much Java, Javascript, Typescript and Rust have moved.

Top Programming Languages 2022

Top Programming Languages 2022

Of these programming languages, Python, C and C++ are the primary ones we use in our day to day product development. For Apps we use Flutter which is a framework built around Dart and we use a variety of things for web development but one of those is Django which is Python based.

If you are interested in how they do the ranking, Top Programming Languages Methodology goes through the process they use.

IEEE - Advancing Technology for Humanity

IEEE – Advancing Technology for Humanity

Past posts on this topic are listed below:

Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In AustraliaRay Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 40 years.

You can also follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

This post is Copyright © 2024 Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd