IoT Impact 2019
This year we are again exhibiting at IoT Impact. But we also have some breaking news for the event.

I’m part of the panel discussing IoT and Industry 4.0 uptake in Australian Manufacturing and also the opportunities for manufacturing IoT products in Australia. That last part is a core part of what we are doing so I’m very pleased to be contributing to that discussion.

We are also pleased to announce that the Water Synergy Group Waterlink MESH networked pulse water meter reader is a finalist for the IoT Impact Innovation Award for 2019. So I’m particularly pleased for Water Synergy Group to see their partnership with us not only generating commercial sales but also technical recognition for the design of the IoT solution. Which is also a very Low Power Electronics, Made in Australia, Cellular Mobile Communications Gateway device.

You might remember we won that category in 2018 for the IND Technology EVFD system that helps prevent bush fires by detecting faults in the grid including insulator breakdown, tree branches rubbing against overhead cables and even cable strands snapping in high voltage power distribution 3 phase and SWER networks.

IoT Impact is on next week in Sydney. There is still time to book and I’ve just heard there are 110 speakers involved and many workshops and a presentation covering every aspect of IoT from Smart Cities, environment, metering, asset management, manufacturing, health and transport.
Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In Australia. Ray Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 30 years.
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