Successful Endeavours Supplier Awards
Each year we give an award to a supplier who has provided outstanding service and helped us to delivery project to our clients. So this is not a case of delivery on time, expected quality or just ease of doing business. But for a business that went above and beyond and as a result made an opportunity possible.
Last year the award went to Precision Electronic Technologies for making 2 projects possible by rapidly delivering complex PCB assemblies in just 3 weeks. This allowed 2 of our clients to successfully respond to and secure opportunities with very short deadlines.

Connect Electronics Supplier Award 2019
So I was pleased to be able to present this award to the team at Connect Electronics this week. They have been so responsive while maintaining the quality and ensuring everything is done correctly. Cables are a critical point of connection for electronics assemblies and are often underestimated in value. Crimp connections in particular are meant to swage the wire to the body of the crimp so there is a cold welded joint. Done properly, they are strong and reliable. Done poorly and they full out and deteriorate over time. So it is great to be working with a cable and loom manufacturer who know exactly what they are doing.
Connect Electronics Team

The reels behind us are part of a series of high capacity automated crimping tools that make high quality crimps at high rates. This is how you can make cable and loom assemblies in Australia and still compete. And of course consistency, quality and reliability need to also be factored in because a single bad connection can cause a machine or instrument to fail. Which is why companies like Agilent have used them for all their Australian made looms.

Here is a view of the inside of their warehouse facility where they can keep stock to support schedules deliveries.

And conveniently located in Mitcham they are also easy for use to get to via Eastlink. Coincidentally, Precision Electronic Technologies are also located in Mitcham.

So far we have had a Contract Electronics Manufacturer and a Contract Loom and Cable Assemblies Manufacturer win our first 2 supplier awards. And both Melbourne based businesses. I’m looking forward to how the next 12 months shapes up.
Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In Australia. Ray Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 30 years.
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