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Top Programming Languages 2022

Top Programming Languages 2022
Thursday 25th August 2022

Top Programming Languages 2022

IEEE regularly does a survey to review the most used computer programming languages. This year they also looked at the trends and what was being requested in job advertisements.

IEEE - Advancing Technology for Humanity

IEEE – Advancing Technology for Humanity

Of real interest is that Python and all the various C like languages totally dominate the landscape still with web applications still depending heavily on Java, JavaScript and SQL.

The most sought after employee was for SQL. We do a lot of custom IoT so this makes a lot of sense to us as getting good performance from very full databases with time stamped data from many devices is always a challenge.

The top 3 programming languages, Python, C and C++ are the primary ones we use in our day to day product development.

You can review the complete listing at IEEE Spectrum Top Programming Languages 2022.

Top Programming Languages 2022

Top Programming Languages 2022

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Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development, focusing on products that are intended to be Made In AustraliaRay Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 30 years.

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