SEBN – South East Business Networks



South East Business Networks

South East Business Networks

One of the key statistics about the Australian business landscape is that we are last in the world for collaboration. All sorts of collaboration.  If you doubt this, just think about how much political collaboration you see here compared to overseas.


The video above is a series of snippets covering why SEBN is a great idea and the value that I get from being a part of it.


Some related statistics that bring home to me the importance of networking are some OECD statistics that place Australia:


  • last at number 181 for publicly funded research commercialisation,
  • last for academia to industry engagement,
  • number 3 for problem solving,
  • number 13 for Innovation,
  • but number 106 for commercialisation.


If you are wondering where these figures come from, they are based on statistics collected by the OECD and were among the key facts presented at Smart Manufacturing 2016.


So it isn’t our innovation or problem solving that is the issue. It is commercialisation and a key part of this is collaboration which we are measurably worst at.


One of the solutions is to get business leaders to actually get to know each other and learn from each other. This builds familiarity and trust and can break down the barriers we seem to naturally have here when it comes to collaboration. This is one of the key objectives of SEBN which stands for the South East Business Networks.


I have been attending SEBN sessions for the past six years and it has helped me grow as a business leader.


What is it you do to grow your ability to do business better?


Successful Endeavours specialise in Electronics Design and Embedded Software Development. Ray Keefe has developed market leading electronics products in Australia for more than 30 years. This post is Copyright © 2016 Successful Endeavours Pty Ltd.